
Secured Portal

  • Clients with a secured portal can access documents provided by WTA as well as upload documents

Federal Payments

  • Choose if you would like to pay with Bank Account or Credit Card (Please note there will be additional fees with credit card payments)

  • Select “make a payment”

  • Fill out the “reason for payment” as well as “apply payment to” sections

  • Complete the rest of the prompt

  • Save confirmation information for future 

Massachusetts Payments

  • Under Quick Links click “Make a payment”

  • Follow the prompt to fill out the information and select the appropriate payment type

  • Please be sure to save confirmation information

WTA's office
We have known John Matarese and his family since his childhood days growing up in Winchester. John is honest, smart and reliable. While John was attending college, he worked for our family pharmacy in Boston. At the time, John’s dad was our CPA for our business. John recently handled the tax returns for a family member’s estate. John handily met all State and Federal deadlines and did extensive research to help reduce the estate’s financial tax burdens. John is a great communicator and upholds the high ethical standards we have always known his family to have. We are pleased to have a second generation Matarese handling our tax preparations.
— Donna Marie & Edward D'Agostino
I was very frustrated with my old tax accounting firm. I had a complex tax form, I caused no problems, and they treated me like I just didn’t matter by shuffling me off every year to the newest person on the team. My financial adviser introduced me to John Matarese, and I couldn’t be happier. A personal connection and trust are extremely important in these relationships. I’m getting older and it’s so very comforting to know that when I call, I’ll talk to John.”
— Kathleen Blease